Our house has a beautiful swimming pool that sits right in the middle of our beautifully landscaped yard.  We spend lots of time outside, but when we’re out there, there’s no escape from nosy neighbors.  And we have a few of them.  But I’ve gotten to a place where I don’t care who sees when Denise and I are out there.  Like last Saturday.


It was a warm, sunny, summer day and I had been out running errands.  When I got home, Denise was in the yard relaxing in the Jacuzzi.  She had her head back, her eyes closed, and she was wearing a very revealing leopard skin swimsuit – it barely covers her nipples and crotch.  Denise is really comfortable with her body and knows how sexy she looks in her skimpy little suits.  I think she was waiting for me, and what a beautiful sight she was when I looked out the window.  I don’t think she even heard me come in.  So I put on my swim trunks and surprised her.  I tiptoed out to the pool and slid into the water without Denise even hearing me. 


She opened her eyes just as I got close enough to give her a little kiss and a big hug.  I told her she was a sight for sore eyes, and how lucky I was to have her waiting for me when I home.  The sun was sinking and a gentle breeze had started to blow.  The warm water was just what I needed to relax after my hectic afternoon.  I sat next to her and leaned my head back.  I closed my eyes and felt all the day’s stress float out of me.


Denise gave me a kiss on the cheek and sat on my lap.  She arched her back and her beautiful breasts strained against her swimsuit.  I couldn’t resist stroking them.  Denise asked if I noticed she had put on my favorite bathing suit.  I said I noticed right away, and kissed her cute little belly button, which was exposed by the plunging neckline of the suit.  Denise chucked and nibbled on my ear.  Then she gave it a harder bite.  Ow!  I turned her over and playfully spanked her butt a couple of times.  I was in the mood for some fun this afternoon and Denise was happily going along with the ride.


She kissed me deeply, holding me tight.  Then she stood and pulled me up with her.  We hugged, and the cool breeze was refreshing against our wet skin.  I was about to sink back down into the warm water when Denise surprised me by pulling my trunks off!  She’s not usually that aggressive and this was a stimulating surprise.  I sat back on the edge of the Jacuzzi waiting to see what she had in mind.  The sun felt warm and inviting on my skin.  Denise rubbed her hands across my chest, sucking my nipples.  She made her way downward, stroking and kissing my abs.  Smiling up at me, she slowly placed my dick in her mouth.  It felt amazing. The minute her warm lips and tongue touched my cock I was in heaven.  I leaned back, savoring the moment. 


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a movement.  There was someone in the window next door.  It was our neighbor, Emily, who has a knack for showing up at the window just as Denise and I are getting it on.  I usually just ignore her.  I figure we’re in our own yard, and if she enjoys watching, let her.  It wasn’t about to stop me now.  But something was different that day… it was the first time I noticed her fondling herself as she watched. 


I closed my eyes again, not wanting to be distracted from the pleasure Denise was giving me. She was cupping my balls in her hands while she sucked my dick.  It was bliss, and the moment I shut my eyes I forgot about everything else.  I felt like I was on fire as Denise worked me over.  She slid my dick in and out, in and out of her warm wet mouth.  I was only semi-erect, but it completely relaxed me… like I was floating away. 


Denise kept stroking me and pushing me deeper and deeper into her mouth.  Even though I wasn’t getting hard, I told her what she was doing felt great.  When I opened my eyes I saw a movement at the neighbor’s window again.  I whispered to Denise that Emily was watching us again… and I thought she was getting off on it because I saw her fondling herself.   Denise chuckled and got a devilish look on her face.  “Do ya think she’ll like this?” Denise asked, as she slowly licked my cock from the root to the tip, savoring every inch. 


I smiled and told her she was a naughty girl.  She licked all around my cock, covering every inch with her warm wet tongue.  I could have drifted away again, but I kept my eyes open this time, watching Denise pleasure me.  It looked so sexy.  I felt like the luckiest guy in the world having this beautiful woman work me over!  Part of me didn’t ever want her to stop, but I had something else in mind. 


I gently pulled Denise’s head off my cock and lifted her up, sitting her on the edge of the Jacuzzi.  She was already very turned on.  She leaned back and closed her eyes.  Her beautiful breasts popped out of her skimpy swimsuit, begging to be licked.  I flicked her nipples with my tongue and sucked them into my mouth, taking turns from one to the other.  Denise moaned.  I gently guided her down onto the deck and propped her legs on my shoulders. She knew what was coming and her breathing quickened.  She sighed, running her hands through my hair.  I planted soft kisses on her thighs and nipped at her pussy through her swimsuit.  I felt her pulse quicken too.  I teased her like that for a bit and let her anticipate.  Then I gently pulled the swimsuit away from her pussy, paused for just a moment, and then stuck my tongue in deep for a taste. 


Denise practically screamed.  It must have felt as good as it tasted; it was delicious.  I had to have more.  I kissed her pussy all over and started sucking on it.  Denise moaned again… she was blissed out.  I flicked my tongue into her, faster and faster, putting more pressure on her clit.  Denise went crazy.  She was thrusting her pelvis up to meet my hungry mouth, driving me to devour her even more.  The more I sucked and licked, the more intense her movements became, her body twisting from side to side.  She clamped her legs around my head.  Gasping for breath and then giggling, she grabbed my head and said she couldn’t take much more… it was too good and it was driving her crazy!  Her body was hyper-sensitive, tensing at the slightest touch. 


But I knew now was not the time to stop.  Denise was so close to coming. I rubbed her clit vigorously, licking and sucking her pussy with a passion.  I don’t know if it was the sun, or the water, or just being outside, but I was like a mad man.  I couldn’t get enough of my wife.  She felt like the sexiest person on earth and we were in our own private Eden.  I didn’t want to let go of her.


I reached up and caressed her breast with one hand while I continued rubbing her clit with the other hand, my tongue flicking in and out of her the whole time.  She was on the edge now and I was going to take her right over it.  She rocked her pelvis up, thrusting uncontrollably, and I rocked right along with her rhythm.


I felt her tighten around my tongue.  I knew she was about to come.  She pressed my head down into her, clamping her legs around me.  Her body responded to every move I made.  Knowing how much pleasure she was feeling was a huge turn-on.  I wanted to give her more and more.  Denise held me tightly, my face jammed into her pussy.  Her whole body stiffened and she let out a long, loud moan.  She climaxed big… hard and long.  Then her body went limp. 


I released her and she laid there on the side of the pool, gasping for breath.  I lay next to her, softly caressing her warm skin.  Her breathing slowly returned to normal.  She opened her eyes and rose up, smiling at me… a languid sexy half-smile.  Her eyes were full of bliss.  She reached over and returned my caress, telling me I was an amazing man and that I had made her feel awesome. 


I lifted her down into the Jacuzzi and she wrapped her legs around my waist.  I twirled her through the water.  We kissed and hugged and sat down to bask in the bubbles.  I felt warm and satisfied.  Watching Denise enjoy herself so much and knowing I could take her to those heights was its own special kind of pleasure. 


I loved bringing her to such a powerful orgasm with my tongue and fingers.  It didn’t matter that I didn’t come... and it didn’t matter who was watching.  In fact, I wondered if my neighbor got even half the pleasure out of watching as we got out of doing!   Even though I worked it, I remember it as one of the most relaxing afternoons I ever had. 





Another thing men love is when a woman breaks out of the usual routine…



“I like to be surprised.  I like a woman with imagination... and very uninhibited... even kinky.”


“I love it when Brenda totally plans out a sexy evening.”


“I wish my girlfriend would surprise me with some sexual fantasy or escapade and just really take control.”



Try planning a sexual surprise for your man.  No matter what it is, he’ll appreciate the assurance that you like having sex with him.  When you’re willing to put energy and thought into sex, your man really feels wanted, and that’s a feeling every man likes to have.  If you want a healthy sex life, don’t expect your man to take all the initiative or always have to be the creative one.  Men love it when you take charge once in a while. 


For Kara, a lot of thought and creativity went into planning a really special sexual surprise for her husband Michael…